Thursday, February 12, 2009

Herpes On My Forehead How To Cure It

M'illumino less

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Home Made Kneeboard Bike

Praise of Folly poetic

There was once a king as a boy, who had to spend the night in the forest to prove his courage and become King And while spending the night alone is visited by a sacred vision: in the campfire is the Holy Grail, a symbol of divine grace. And a voice says to the boy
keeper of the Grail in order to heal the hearts of men
." But the boy, blinded by the vision of a life full of power, glory, beauty, in a state of complete amazement, he felt for a moment, not a boy, but omnipotent, as God reached out to take the Grail and the Grail vanished, leaving his hand terribly burned by the fire.
And while the boy grew, the wound is deepened, until one day his life for him had no purpose. He had no faith in anyone, not even in itself, could not love or feel loved. He was sick of too much experience and began to die.
One day a minstrel came to the castle and found the king alone. And being a simple-minded he could see the King, saw only one man and suffering to the King and asked: "What
painful for you, friend
?" And the king replied: "I thirst
and would like a bit 'water to cool my throat
. So the fool took a cup that was beside the bed, filled it with water and handed it to the King and the King, beginning to drink, he realized that the wound had healed. He looked at his hands and saw that it was the Holy Grail, what he had sought all his life. He turned and asked the surprised jester: "
How could you find you what my brave knights have never found?
" and the jester said
I do not know, I just knew I was thirsty

I like New York in June,
how about you? I like a Gershwin tune,
how about you? I love a fireside

When a storm is two.
I like potato chips, moonlight and motor trips
how about you?

The Fisher King

Monday, February 9, 2009

Stomach Bug Or Morning Sickness

After a month of plenty ...

... I am back after a while 'time ... I hope I do not walk so until next time!

I am very happy to report that after 2 years I am called the ski, I have overcome the fear

:-) Actually, in addition to myself I have to thank someone who has spurred me .... qulecuno a bit 'fat :-)

E 'was a beautiful weekend ... in the snow that was slowly dim ... Then the sun came out to shine that white coat!
short, that you want?!?

good week everyone,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wooden Fingerboards Shop


The situation in Italy is more and more serious. Before you screaming for the bullshit said by the chairman of the board who were not even worthy of a third world country, now the business is increasingly taking on the contours of pure speed.
attacks heard today from our premier at the head of state is very worrying and is a sign of imbalance that can degenerate at any moment. And if that was not enough he also threatened its members if they had not voted for in the decree that prohibits the suspension of food: "O votes for or are willing to accept your resignation. "
B. and his gang managed to say that the father wants to" die "because it would Luana tired of the situation and will not want to deal with it. What a bastard!
I'd like to know that he has to say now Capezzone, who for years has defended Welby, now that he has "Zompa" to the PDL, is spiezzato: S

Another incredible thing is the campaign implemented by the Prime Minister. He had never seen that come down the field in person to replace them completely to the candidate of his party (in the posters it says "President B." and not "Cappellacci president").
Another sad thing is that hat and happy to do this part here. It is treated just as a name. B is actually making the speeches and the other is at his side clapping like a seal and speak for a maximum of 1 / 4 time. Indeed, once B has just forgotten to get him to talk, then when the time came round B says: "Come on, two words to these people that you go to lunch" ... NO COMMENT. Well ...

B. put us face to counter one of the few who can respond in kind (Soru) any nonsense he said.
But the campaign is totally unequal: the chairman of the board is allowed to hold forth in its wireless networks that you can say anything while Soru not get even a minute in all six national networks (I'm forced to watch Soru interventions on YouTube)

Also in the last few days, has been voted the law that allows doctors to report illegal immigrants.
know when it was done such a thing?
Nazism. The doctors denounced the Jews who came to care in a hospital.

now I'm afraid of this situation and signs of imbalance that shows the man as soon as you can see a bit of private power, and I'm afraid of people who do not realize how much we're growing and what is becoming dangerous the situation.

Meditate people

Best For Height Pilates Or Rpg

"My daughter was raped, continuously flooded into his body, subject to a violence that she would defined unheard of, inconceivable and unacceptable.
When my daughter there will be, directly back into a human dimension, because so far I have lived in an inhumane dimension.
I could never regret: I said I'll go all the way down. It's nothing to have the whole world against themselves than against you. I had not done what I did not I would never have forgiven him, because I had against me.
[...] freedom is fundamental and that letting die is part of the right of self-determination. "