The first round operator from Space!, The "first" at the planetarium ...
"It 's not" yet another "shift planetary
is the" first "Space at the show!"
mentally Retrace the ladder in search of a dialogue that can amaze and excite the public, but inside I know already that everything will be useless to them will be transport me to give me the energy and the right words ...
In the eyes of people lined up waiting to enter the "balloon" I read the curiosity, wonder and trepidation ...
The air feels completely different atmosphere, something new, different ...
"It 's not" yet another "shift planetary
is the" first "Space at the show!"
E 'to get started, it's time to "show" ...
Mackerel my mind, I make people sit and let myself be carried away by quest'impeto ...
It begins!
After an hour the final applause that surrounds you ...
the breaths ...
you feel ...
and you know you're successful in your goal!
batteries are ready for the "second round" of the waltz!