Sunday, February 28, 2010

Diagram Of A Vogelzang Wood Stoves

satellites with the naked eye

When I speak of artificial satellites in the section of Astronautics exhibition, visitors are surprised that some are very visible to the naked eye.
So the other day, knowing that few minutes after the close of the museum would look a Iridium flare, I invited those who would stop to observe the phenomenon from the square near the museum.
and so we found a score with his nose in the air, the sky is still relatively straightforward to wait.
course it was a moment, a few seconds of intense light (mag -8), but for all visitors present was something quite new and they left happy :-)

This week starts the night visibility of International Space Station (ISS) with a number of steps visible at dinner time.

Look at the ISS is something I do willingly, and indeed, it happened to me several times to observe the event, maybe walking in the city. For the uninitiated, looks like a star usually very bright, brighter than any other dot in the sky. There can be confused with a plane, not blinking, the light is yellow / white and you see because it reflects the sun's rays.
shown below on the roads this week seen from Trento, but within a few seconds, approximated throughout the Trentino (Italy and North):

17 18:50:48 27 19:16:53 W 11 20:48:25 11 20:48:25 NNW 44 19:41:22
Date May Starts Max altitude Ends
Time H Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az.
2 Mar -0.6 19:33:54 10 S 19:34:01 11 S 19:34:01 11 S
3 Mar -1.2 19:57:55 10 SW 19:59:00 20 SSW 19:59:00 20 SSW
4 Mar 18:48:48 -1.5 10 S SE 18:52:15 ESE 13
4 Mar -0.6 20:22:52 WSW 10 20:23:48 WSW 18 20:23:48 WSW 18
5 Mar 19:12:51 -3.0 10 SW 47 19:15:39 SE E
5 Mar 20:48:15 0.3 10 W
W 6 Mar 19:37:48 -3.1 10 19:40:40 WSW 65 NE
7 Mar -3.0 18:27:41 10 SW 18:30:30 50 SSE 18:33:19 10 ENE
7 Mar -1.9 20:03:07 10 W 20:05:42 34 NNW 20:05:42 34 NNW
8 Mar -3.0 18:52:36 10 WSW 18:55:28 62 NNW 18:58:21 10 ENE
8 Mar -0.7 20:28:32 10 WNW 20:29:56 20 NW 20:29:56 20 NW
9 Mar -2.0 19:17:53 10 W 19:20:34 33 NNW 19:22:33 15 NE
9 Mar 0.2 20:53:46 10 NW 20:54:03 12 NW 20:54:03 12 NW
March 10 -1.6 19:43:14 10 WNW 19:45:45 26 N 19:46:37 22 NNE

small guide on how to read the table:
  • Mag (magnitude) is the brightness. Order of magnitude as the brightest stars are about 0, -1, the lower the number, the more light .. -3.0 appears to be clear with brighter than any star in the sky.
  • The column indicates when it starts Starts to be visible. In our case, almost always nearly horizon. Keep in mind that in our country there are mountains, then it comes up a few seconds / minutes later as indicated. Az (azimuth) indicates the direction. Similarly, read and Max Altitude End
  • steps that do not exceed 30 degrees of elevation are hardly visible to the presence of the mountains.
  • Council obviously steps from -3 mag :-)
  • Station seen across the sky always from West to East maybe a bit 'or a bit further south' in the North, but always travel to East.
  • As you can see some day is visible up to 2 times a night .. time to go around the world in 90 min and return over our heads.
  • forecasts farther in the wrong time could be a few seconds / minute and also as a place in heaven. This is because the orbit of the ISS is changed gradually.
There are several sites that show the steps in the ISS, the Iridium and other satellites.
my favorites are:
  • that in addition to providing the weather satellites provides a real celestial events calendar, available for email. Recommended.
Take care, all the nice comments you would like riportaste comment on this post. Whether you have the view that in case of failure:)

All this waiting for the next shuttle mission in starting April 5.
See the bright dots of the ISS and Shuttle cross the sky together is priceless.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can I Fly With A Herniated Disc

Eratosthenes vs Black Hole

E 'known that the black hole has the upper hand on everything, and also shows the "gravitational pit" is awarded first place in attracting the interest of visitors.
There is no comparison: in the path historical displays the questions and curiosity of students and the public will thicken when it comes to blacks holes, and then wheel neutron stars, big bang, dark energy. In other words, when you get to talk about the current frontiers of astrophysics. However
is unknown to many how a telescope, the model shows that the size of the Sun than the Earth and the distances in the solar system often leaves his mouth open, just dwell on the meaning of the constellations, and only those who "have a certain age "has noticed the different colors of stars in the sky. Eratosthenes, who was he?
so I can see at least two points on which I insist: to show that the shoulders of the giants of the past were very wide, otherwise they will greet the black hole ... And then invite to regain confidence with the observation of the sky, because more than ever in astronomy, "the eye wants its part" ...

Camera Slr Camera Bag To Hold Hot Shoe Too

Arms stolen agriculture

of you had the opportunity to visit the exhibition you will notice that we have some problems with our little garden space. :-P

This is a rotating disk containing the plant which, strictly speaking of physics, should grow with the barrel tilted toward the center by the centrifugal force (yes, yes, is an apparent force, but we put in the system rotating frame of the poor layout, right?: P). The interesting thing is
that should not only grow but also undergoing a sloped gravity than Earth's. In the outer part and a half times greater. A little 'as if the plants on an alien planet larger than Earth.

Unfortunately our space plants (watercress and catnip) did not really want to cooperate and do what they want: some do not grow at all, other sag.

I have the impression, however, that the fault is neither planting nor Isaac Newton.
Rather I think that is a bit 'too much demand to grow by 2 cm of soil, water and a spotlight all forgotten a few too many times.
This week we threw it all away and ricomiciato again.

If it works, watercress salad alien for all!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma Rearity

We give a name to Planetary Space! The webcam

Actually, not that it has no name. Or rather, had it in his previous life at the Museum of the Air Gianni Caproni: Digital Planetarium "Columbia."
Now that the dome has been improved and installed the new Full HD projector, the planet needs a new name!
We need ideas, advice and brainstorming! So on with the proposals, we want to be creative!
We would like to find a name with meaning such as "star gate" but without falling nell'inflazionato "Stargate".
Anyway, any idea is fine! Meanwhile, some
list 'of names we have come to mind:
  • Starball
  • StarMind
  • Kosmos
  • Blazer
You can play and compose various names, preferably monosillabili as above. Star-fits pretty well. You may leave something cool with the suffix-dromo as I know .. Stellòdromo .. indeed as a race track chasing the stars and surpass their orbits. Or Stelloscopio.
I'm not entirely convinced of the names proposed, but perhaps a starting point for you.

After playing with the names, another area could be mythological. Francis suggested to try to tap into the mythology norenna for example. Many are filled with Nordic names meanings of very interesting but unfortunately often unpronounceable or resembling trade names of drugs;)

A third line would be to the dedications and even here you can indulge.
For me to dedicate it to Carl Sagan would be wonderful. There is adviser
astronomical make me thrill as Sagan. To live Sagan and his thoughts in the mind of the public, especially the Italian one who knows little, is something to definitely be considered.

Well, now it's up to you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Telefonica British Phone


A risk that I think a show like Space! runs with each passing day, is to sediment content. Logically
the single new visitor does not have that impression. The logical thread of the exhibition is well thought out and the same content have different levels of reading and study but I mean something different and not just about Space! but all the shows and exhibitions in general.
It 's like the shows they lived in a time dimension of its own, with the hands of time when the firm has put the final signature on the projects.
What I think is important and I'm trying to do is to try wherever possible to add links on the events of this, of course, astronomy and astronautics. Show
the launch of the shuttle live as we did the other day may be an example. Or show the sky at the planetarium of the day and expect the same evening to compare with the real sky. I'd like to as well, in the section Astronautics, start to show consistently everyday images that reach us from Mars, Saturn and the ISS. The public is not disinterested, in fact.
is simply not aware that we are fortunate to live in an era in which explorers can be ourselves, and see virtually live places than ever before that time no one had ever seen. Columbus unfortunately could not put a webcam on his caravels:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Do I Get Money On My 3 Dongle?

The winter sky ... Initiation of fire

One of the constellations visible in our skies in the winter is definitely Orion. For people like me live at these latitudes (Trentino) during the night will always see the "straight", but what if we were moving it went, for example, below the equator? Well, at that point we could see the "wrong".
In 2006 while on holiday in Egypt I had already happened to see her "lying", who knows that in a not too distant future can not admire it downwards as in this photo ...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paris Kennedy Streaming

I like to work. The first week was really fiko Space. It 'nice to meet the confidentiality of people peering shyly around, not touching, do not try, do not experience and lead gradually into a concept, into a distant reality, perhaps to touch a star through its spectral signature or on the moon, one-sixth gravity. At one point, after the hundredth child who attack the balloons I look around and look a bit 'adult watching, they are surprised but only look. So I throw a challenge there and say "but how, is full of children ready to go to the moon and even an adult who has the courage to imitate them?" A woman looks at me and says, "It's not that they are courageous, you do not want to do that." In short laugh. Another picture, a boy who wanted to plant the obelisk of Eratosthenes on Rovereto, because he lived in Rovereto and wanted to see the shadow of the obelisk at his home. Screeners to explain that in Rovereto have not put in the magnet for the obelisk! Many people, perhaps even someone to have served my explanations on the spacetime curvature, I rehearsed a few days ago just in case. In a word, fiko!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pennsylvania Motorcycle Knowledge Test

We are all blind to microwave

It was not the first time since I disclosed astronomical, though it is not at all left me so indifferent that I continue to think again.
This afternoon a non-blind visited the show and it was a really good dialogue.

With the cosmic abyss we are in contact only through the light, but it is often forgotten that visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic waves coming from space and so, in front of the telescope we see displayed in the exhibition: "Yes, we are all blind to the microwave, all in the same way, we are all on the same starting line."
And from there the comparison is continued on other things that a non-sighted grasp certainly better than many other visitors: the note of the tuning fork clean and bright as the band H alpha hydrogen, the Doppler variation of his tone, the mental journey among billions of galaxies moving away ...

I'm still traveling.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Atherosclerosis. More Condition_symptoms

Astro App

In the days before Apple's App Store shows ravanare looking for some juicy astronomical application Free iPod Touch / iPhone I stumbled in the following programs:

  1. APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day
  2. Hubble ( wiki )
  3. HubbleZoom
  4. NASA 3D Sun ( wiki )
  5. Moon Globe
  6. Planets ( review app )
  7. Exoplanet ( wiki )

If you have the opportunity I strongly recommend you to install and check it out!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sherwood Rv-6030r Receivers

Laika who lost on the ISS? The first time

This morning we found on board the International Space Station a lost dog:) If the small owner
they miss face visit to the concierge! Meanwhile

adopted him as mascot of the show and we had to call Laika!