One of the three software that we use in the digital planetarium is the approved Stellarium, a Free program, in Italian, easy to use even for those who understand something of astronomy.
Indeed this could be an incentive to get closer to the future astronomer, beginning later this fascinating subject to watch live the stars, constellations, planets, etc ...
Through this program you can watch the night sky over your head, or finally give a name to the star (or planet) that you see every night outside the window of the house before going to sleep, take a look at what they see or understand the Australian that the sky is very different from summer to winter.
If you still have any doubts you can always come to the planetarium the weekend and contact us with questions, we will be happy to respond and resolve your doubts.
We look forward this summer to the Terrace of the Stars (Viote - Monte Bondone) by observing live and through telescopes to see deep sky objects ...
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