Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Much Is A Shiny Charizard Worth

As Matthew pointed out in previous posts, today all ' LHC has taken up a stone to important developments in physics in the coming years. It was 13:06
in Geneva when the two beams collided at high energy and huge detectors heard the faint signals originated from the myriad of particles resulting from the collision.

At the same moment, another much smaller detector and raw commenced operations also showing traces of ephemeral particles well beyond the human senses. Absolutely
by-case basis in fact, during my lunch break, I helped Francis to test our new cloud chamber that will soon be exhibited to show the public the cosmic rays

:-) I would say that it works very well, every second showing numerous contrails very mixed, with many soft and straight, others with sudden detours, others very clear ee large. a real show!

I intend soon to post a short video. For now, only a frame a bit 'confused;)


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